navigation system FORD EXPEDITION 2012 3.G Quick Reference Guide

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Quick RefeRence Guide
Easy FuEl® systEm With this system, y\dou simply press op\den the fuel filler \ddoor, insert the no\f\fle\d
and begin fueling\b Wait five seconds fro\dm the time the ref\dueling no\f\fle is shu\dt off until the no\d\f\fle
is pulled back out \dof the fill pipe tu\dbe to allow residua\dl fuel in the no\f\fl\de to drain into the\d tank\b
The Easy Fuel
® System is self-sea\dling and therefore \dprotected against du\dst, dirt, water, snow
and ice\b If you nee\dd to fill your fuel \dtank with a portabl\de fuel container, use the fuel fun\dnel which
is attached to the \dunderside of the sp\dare tire cover or \dis included with th\de tire changing too\dls\b
Slowly insert the f\dunnel into the Eas\dy Fuel
® system and fill the\d tank with fuel fr\dom the container\b
When done, clean th\de funnel or proper\dly dispose of it\b E\dxtra funnels can be\d purchased from you\dr
authori\fed dealer\b Do not use aftermarket f\dunnels as they wil\dl not work with th\de Easy Fuel
® system
and may cause damage\d\b

FuEl typE anD tank Capa City Depending on your v\dehicle, your fuel \dtank has a capacit\dy of either
28 gallons (106L) or 33\b5 gallon\ds (126\b8L)\b You have a F\fex Fue\f Vehicle\b Flex Fuel v\dehicles have a
yellow ring around \dthe top of the fue\dl filler inlet (tube\d) and can use eithe\dr Regular unleaded f\duel, E85
Ethanol Fuel or an\dy mixture of the t\dwo\b

ti\bE p\bEssu\bE Your tire pressure \dis properly set at\d the dealership acc\dording to the recom\dmended
specifications foun\dd on the Safety Comp\dliance Certificatio\dn Label or Tire Lab\del located on the B\d-Pillar
or the edge of the \ddriver’s door\b Check your tire p\dressure at least o\dnce a month and bef\dore long
trips (including th\de spare)\b As an adde\dd safety feature, y\dour vehicle has bee\dn equipped with a
tire pressure monitoring system (tpms) that illuminates \da low tire pressur\de warning light
one or more of you\dr tires is significa\dntly under-inflated\b \dRefer to the Tires\d, Wheels and Loadin\dg chapter
in your Owner’s Gu\dide for more inform\dation\b

loCation oF spa\bE ti\bE Your vehicle is equ\dipped with a tempor\dary spare tire locat\ded under the
vehicle, just forward of the rear bu\dmper\b The temporary spare is designed \dfor emergency use o\dnly and
should be replaced a\ds soon as possible\b\d The jack and tools\d are located in the\d access panel on t\dhe
floor behind the 3rd \drow seat\b The spare\d tire is not equip\dped with a TPMS sens\dor\b For complete details\d
on how to change yo\dur tire, refer to \dthe Roadside Emergen\dcies chapter in yo\dur Owner’s Guide\b

FuEl pump shut-oFF swit Ch After a collision,\d if the engine cran\dks but does not sta\drt, the fuel
pump shut-off swit\dch may have to be r\deset\b The switch is\d located in the lef\dt rear quarter tri\dm panel,
near the liftgate, \dbehind an access pa\dnel\b For complete details\d on resetting the s\dwitch, please cons\dult
your Owner’s Guide\b\d

sos post-C\bash alE\bt s ystEm
tm This system provide\ds audible and visual\d alarms in the eve\dnt of
a crash which caus\des the deployment o\df airbags or the ac\dtivation of the sa\dfety belt pretensio\dners\b
The turn signals wi\dll flash and the hor\dn will sound\b To deactivate the sy\dstem, press the ha\d\fard flasher
control, or press \d
on your remote tr\dansmitter\b

\b oaDsiDE assistanCE Your new Ford Expedition come\ds with the assuran\dce and support
of 24-hour emergenc\dy roadside assistan\dce\b To receive roadside assistance in the\d United States,
call 1 (800) 241-3673\b In Canada, \dcall 1 (800) 665-2\d006\b

IMPORTAnT: Before folding the\d second row seats, \densure that the he\dad restraints are f\dully flipped
down by pulling on t\dhe strap and that a\dll items have been \dremoved from the flo\dor and off the seat\ds\b
EntE\bing thE thi\bD \b ow sEat
Fold the head restra\dint forward\b Pull up on
the lever (lever 1) located on the sid\de of
either outboard sec\dond row seat until \dthe
seatback folds forward to the seat cu\dshion
(p os. 2)\b Pull lever fully \dupward (lever 1)\b The
seat will then flip\d forward (p os. 3)\b
Exiting thE thi\bD \b ow sEat
Fold head restraint \dforward\b Pull up on th\de strap located at \dthe back of the sec\dond
row seat by the out\dboard side shield (pu\f\f strap)\b The seatback will\d fold forward
to the cushion (p os. 2)\b Continue pulling \dup on the pull str\dap and the seat wil\dl flip
forward (p os. 3)\b to return the seat t\io the upright posit\iion, push the seat dow\dn
until it is latche\dd to the floor strik\ders\b Then, lift the\d seatback to the up\dright position
and flip the head re\dstraint to the upr\dight position\b
FolDing thE outboa\bD sEatba Cks to a loaD Floo\b position –
(\bEFE\b to thE impo\btant notE abovE)
Lift the lever (lever 1) located on the out\dboard side of the se\dat\b Pull the lever
(lever 2) to release the se\dat into the kneel-\ddown floor position\b\d A moderate force
may be required to \dmove the seat forward and down\b
\bEtu\bning thE sEats to thE up\bight position F\bom thE
Fully-lowE\bED Floo\b position
Lift and pull the s\deat rearward until the latc\dh is fully engaged\b
Lift up on the sea\dtback until a click\d is heard, locking \dit into the upright\d position\b
This will allow th\de seatback to be li\dfted to the upright\d locked position\b
maNual lIfTGa TE OPEraTION
To open a manual li\dftgate, unlock the \dliftgate (with the \dpower door locks or\d the
remote entry transmitter butto\dn) and push the out\dside liftgate contr\dol button on the
handle below the li\dcense plate\b To close, make cert\dain the liftgate wi\dndow is closed,
and then push the l\diftgate closed unti\dl it latches secur\dely\b
To unlatch the lift\dgate window, push the button (Figure a) on the liftgate locate\dd to
the left of the li\dcense plate\b
Do not open the li\dftgate or the liftg\date window in a gar\dage or other enclos\ded area
with a low ceiling\b\d
POWEr lIfTGa TE OPEraTION (if equipped)
To open the power l\diftgate (if equippe\dd), push the button\d on the instrument\d panel
(Figure b), press
on your remote ent\dry transmitter twic\de within 3 seconds,\d or
press the liftgate \dcontrol button loca\dted on the inside o\df the liftgate hand\dle\b To close,
press and release t\dhe control located \din the left rear q\duarter panel (Figure C)\b
Keep clear of the l\diftgate when operat\ding the rear switch\d\b
CD EJECt Press
to eject
a CD\b
2 am/Fm Press to select
AM/FM1/FM2 frequen\dcy band\b
3 sEEk Press to access th\de
previous or next s\dtrong station,
CD track, previous\d/next satellite
radio channel (if e\dquipped), or
previous/additional\d display text
or category\b
4 tExt/sCan Press and hold
to hear a brief sam\dpling of radio
stations, CD track\ds or satellite
radio channels (if \dequipped)\b
Press again to stop\d\b In CD/MP3
mode, press and rel\dease to
display track title\d, artist
name and disc title\d\b
5 FolDE\b In folder mode,
press to access pr\devious or
next folder on MP3 \ddiscs,
if available\b satEllitE \baDio FEatu\bEs

anD C ont\bols (if equipped)
6 aux Press repeatedly to\d
cycle through SAT1, SAT2, SAT3
(satellite radio, i\df equipped),
LInE In (auxiliary audio mode)
or SYnC
® (if equipped)\b
SIRIUS® Satellite Radio is \da
subscription based s\datellite
radio service that broadcast\ds
music, sports, new\ds and
entertainment progr\damming\b
For more informatio\dn and a
complete list of SI\dRIUS
satellite radio cha\dnnels, visit
www\bsirius\bcom in the \dUnited
States, www\bsiriuscanada\bca
in Canada, or call \dSIRIUS
® at
7 tunE/DisC sElECto\b In
radio mode, press t\do go up/
down the frequency \dband\b
In menu mode, use t\do select
various settings\b I\dn CD/MP3
mode, press to sele\dct a
desired disc\b 8
mEnu Press when satelli\dte
radio mode is activ\de to access
the satellite radio\d menu\b Press
MEnU appears in the dis\dplay ,
then press
/ to cycle through
additional features\d\b For more
information, pleas\de consult
your Owner’s Guide\b\d
sEtting thE CloC k Press
MEnU until SELECT HOUR\d or
SELECT MInS is displayed\b
/ to adjust the
9 phonE Press to access
® phone features, i\df
equipped\b Refer to \dthe
® supplement for
more information\b
hD \baDio™ (if equipped with \inavigation): HD Radio™ technolo\dgy is the digital ev\dolution of analog
radio\b Your system has a s\dpecial receiver wh\dich allows it to r\deceive digital broad\dcasts (where avail\dable)
in addition to the \dother broadcasts it\d already receives\b \dDigital broadcasts p\drovide a better sou\dnd
quality than analo\dg broadcasts with fr\dee, crystal clear audio a\dnd no static or dis\dtortion\b For more
information, refer\d to your navigation\d supplement or vis\dit www\bhdradio\bcom\b
Pos\b 2Lever 1Pos\b 3
Pull Strap
Lever 2
Figure B
Figure C
Figure A
ClIma TE CONTrOlDual automatic temperature control with heateD anD cooleD seats anD rear passenger compartment climate control (\ff eq\b\fpped)
1 auto Press to activate\d
automatic temperat\dure control\b
The system will au\dtomatically
determine fan speed\d, airflow
location, A/C (on \dor off) and
outside or recircul\dated air, to
heat or cool the v\dehicle to reach
the desired tempera\dture\b Press
again to deactivate\d\b
2 hEatED
anD C oolED D\bivE\b anD passEngE\b
sEats (if equipped) Press
the heated or coole\dd symbol
to cycle through th\de various
settings and off\b
ai\bFlow Di\bECtion
C ont\bol Press repeatedly
to cycle through al\dl possible
air distribution mo\ddes\b Refer
to your Owner’s Gu\dide for
more information\b
4 \bEa\b Press to enable
the auxiliary climate system
(if equipped)\b Pres\ds again
to disable\b
Press to recircul\date
the cabin air\b Recirculated air
may reduce the amou\dnt of
time needed to cool\d down the
interior of the ve\dhicle and may
also help reduce un\ddesirable
odors from reaching\d the interior
of the vehicle\b 6
DEF\bost Distributes
outside air through\d the
windshield defroster\d and
demister vents to c\dlear thin ice
or fog from the win\ddshield\b
\bEa\b DEF\bost Press
to activate and cle\dar the rear
window and side heat\ded
mirrors (if equipp\ded) of thin
ice and fog\b Press a\dgain
to deactivate\b
8 \bEa\b tEmpE\batu\bE
C ont\bol Press to enable th\de
auxiliary climate system (\dif
equipped) as well a\ds increase/
decrease the desire\dd rear
cabin temperature\b
9 D\bivE\b/p assEngE\b
tEmpE\batu\bE C ont\bols
Press to increase \dor decrease
the temperature on\d the driver
or passenger side o\df the
vehicle\b Pressing the passen\dger
side control will a\dctivate dual
\fone where the driv\der and
passenger are able \dto select
their own individua\dl settings\b
If the passenger si\dde controls
are not activated, \dthe driver
side controls will \ddetermine
the temperature se\dtting for the
entire vehicle (si\dngle \fone)\b 10

\bEa\b F an spEED
C ont\bol Press to enable
the auxiliary climate system
(if equipped) as we\dll as to
increase/decrease t\dhe fan
speed for the rear \dcabin\b
\bEa\b hEatED sEats
(if equipped) Your vehicle may
be equipped with he\dated rear
seats\b The controls\d are located
on the rear of the\d center
console\b Push the right side\d of
the control for ma\dximum heat
and the left side f\dor minimum
heat\b Press again t\do deactivate\b
172 36589 91042
Ford Motor Company C\dustomer Relationsh\dip Center
P\bO\b Box 6248 | De\darborn, MI 48121 1-800-392-3673 (FO\dRD)
(TDD for the heari\dng impaired: 1-800-\d232-5952) www\bfordowner\bcom | www\bford\bca
CL1J 19G217 AA
June 2011
First Printing
Quick Reference Gu\dide Expedition
Litho in U\bS\bA\b
This Quick Reference Guide is not intended
to replace your vehicle Owner’s Guide which
contains more detailed information concerning
the features of your vehicle, as well as important
safety warnings designed to help reduce the risk
of injury to you and your occupants\b Please read
your entire Owner’s Guide carefully as you begin
learning about your new vehicle and refer to the
appropriate chapte\drs when questions \darise\b All information contained in this Quick Reference
Guide was accurate at the time of duplication\b We
reserve the right to change features, operation
and/or functionality of any vehicle specification
at any time\b Your Ford dealer is the best source
for the most current information\b For detailed

operating and safety information, please consult
your Owner’s Guide\b\d
auDIO sYsTEm premium am/Fm s tereo in-Dash mp3 satellite compatiBle sounD s ystem (\ff eq\b\fpped)

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1 hEaDlamp
C ont\bols
Turns the
headlamps off\b
Turns on the
parking lamps\b
Turns on
the headlamps\b
Automatically turn\ds
the exterior lamps\d
on/off based on
available daylight\b
Turns on fog lamps
(if equipped) by
pulling the control\d
towards you\b
2 multi-FunCtion
lEvE\b Rotate the
end of the control
up/down to increase\d/
decrease the speed \dof
the wipers\b Push th\de
end of the stalk:
• quickly for a si\dngle
swipe without fluid\b\d
• and hold briefly
for three swipes w\dith
washer fluid\b
• and hold for a
longer wash cycle\b
\bain sensing wipers\i
(if equipped): These
wipers automatical\dly
activate when
moisture is presen\dt
on the windshield
and the control is \dset
to any setting exce\dpt
off\b The wiper spee\dd
will vary based on the
amount of moisture\d
detected on the
windshield as well \das
the current interval
setting\b Ensure tha\dt
the control is tur\dned
to off prior to en\dtering
a car wash\b t
o operate your rear\i
window wiper, turn
the rear wiper con\dtrol
to 1 (intermittent\d
speed), 2 (normal
speed) or O (off)\b \dFor
a rear wash cycle,\d
rotate and hold the\d
rear wiper control\d to
note: For optimal
wiper performance,\d
clean your blades a\dnd
glass regularly\b Refer
to your Owner’s Gu\dide
for more informati\don\b
3 abs w a\bning
light The ABS light
illuminates briefly
when the ignition i\ds
turned on\b If the A\dBS
light remains on or\d
continues to flash,\d a
malfunction has bee\dn
detected\b Contact
your authori\fed deal\der
as soon as possible\d\b
normal braking (less\d
ABS) is still funct\dional
unless the brake
warning light
also illuminated\b
4 sE\bviCE EnginE
soon light The
service engine soon
briefly when the
ignition is turned \don\b
If it remains on o\dr
is blinking after t\dhe
engine is started, \dthe
on-board diagnostics\d
system (OBD-II)
has detected a
malfunction\b Drive \din
a moderate fashion
and contact your
authori\fed dealer as\d
soon as possible\b
5 mEssagE CEntE\b
(if equipped) The
message center
displays important vehicle informatio\dn
through a constant
monitoring of vehic\dle
systems\b The system\d
will notify you of\d
potential vehicle
problems with a
display of system
warnings followed
by a long indicator
chime\b Refer to you\dr
Owner’s Guide for
more information\b
6 aD vanCEt\ba C
® ®
with \b oll stability
Cont\bol™ (\bsC
s tability
EnhanCEmEnt tC s

systEm ( if equipped)
The AdvanceTrac®®
stability system
helps you to
maintain stability
and steerability of\d
your vehicle during\d
a variety of road
conditions\b If your\d
vehicle becomes stu\dck
in the snow, mud or
sand, try turning off
the AdvanceTrac
system to allow wh\deel
spin and help incre\dase
momentum to dig
the vehicle out\b Th\de
control will illum\dinate
when turned off\b
Refer to your
Owner’s Guide for
more information\b
sway Cont\bol
( if
This control uses
the vehicle’s
® system
to detect and help
reduce trailer sway\d
by applying brake
force at individual\d
wheels and, if
necessary, reducing
engine power\b If this
happens, TRAILER
SWAY REDUCE SPEED will display in the\d

instrument cluster\d,
along with the
® icon \b
This control will \donly
activate at speeds
above 40 mph
(64 km/h)\b For more
information, please
refer to your
Owner’s Guide\b
7 navigation
systEm (if equipped) Please see
the navigation
Supplement for
more details\b
8 haza\bD FlashE\b
9 \bEa\b winDow
DEF\bostE\b Press
to clear the rear \d
window of fog and
thin ice\b Press
again to deactivate\d\b
The rear window
defroster will
automatically turn\d
off after 15 minutes
of operation\b
10 ovE\bD\bivE
C ont\bol with
t ow haul FEatu\bE
The Tow Haul
feature improves
operation when
towing a trailer or\d
a heavy load\b To
activate Tow Haul,
press the button on\d
the gearshift lever\d\b
indicator light wil\dl
illuminate in the
instrument cluster\d\b
To deactivate, press\d
the button again\b
Drive with the veh\dicle
in D (overdrive) wi\dth
Tow Haul off for th\de
best fuel economy\b
78Refer to your

Owner’s Guide for
more information\b
11 Cont\bol t\ba C®
4x4 systEm
( if equipped) The
Control Trac®
® system
allows you to choo\dse
between 2H (2WD
High), 4A (4x4 Auto\d),
4H (4x4), or 4L (4\dx4
Low) modes\b
• Choose 2H (2WD
High) to provide
power to the rear
wheels only – used
mainly for driving \don
dry pavement\b
• Choose 4A (4x4
Auto) for all on-r\doad
driving conditions,
such as dry road
surfaces, wet
pavement, snow
or gravel\b
• Choose 4H (4x4)
for severe winter \dor
off-road conditions\d,
such as deep snow,
ice or shallow san\dd\b
(not intended for dry
pavement use\b)
• Choose 4L (4x4
low) only when you\d
need extra gearing
to provide maximum
power when climbing\d
steep grades, going
through deep sand
or pulling a boat o\dut
of the water\b For
complete informati\don
on shifting between\d
modes as well as ba\dsic
operating principal\ds,
please refer to yo\dur
Owner’s Guide\b
12 s tEE\bing
whEEl Cont\bols
( if equipped)
VOL +/- : Press to
volume levels\b
SEEK : Press to
access the previou\ds/
next radio station,\d CD
track or preset sa\dtellite
radio channel\b
MEDIA: Press
repeatedly to
access all possible\d
media sources\b
VOICE: Press to acc\dess
voice recognition,
if equipped\b
: Press to access
SYnC®® phone features,
if equipped\b
13 spEED Cont\bol
To set the speed:
1\b Press On\b
2\b Accelerate to th\de
desired speed\b
3\b Press SET + and
take your foot off\d
the accelerator\b
• To set a higher
speed, press and
hold SET + or press
SET + repeatedly
until the desired s\dpeed
is reached\b
• To set a lower
speed, press and
hold SET – or press
SET – repeatedly
until the desired
speed is reached\b
• To return to a
previously set spe\ded,
press RES\b
• To turn off,
press OFF or turn
off the engine\b
14 powE\b
Foot pED als
( if equipped)
Press the top of t\dhe
control p to move the
pedals closer to yo\du
or the bottom of th\de
control q to move
the pedals further away from you\b The
pedals should only
be adjusted when the\d
vehicle is stopped \dand
in P (park)\b

(if equipped)
Rotate the adjustme\dnt
switch located on t\dhe
driver’s door, to the
center position\b Pr\dess
the switch down to \dfold
in the mirrors\b Pre\dss
again to fold them
back to the origina\dl
position\b Fold the side
mirrors in careful\dly
before driving throu\dgh
a narrow space, li\dke an
automatic car wash\d\b
If you fold in a mi\drror
manually, the power
fold mirrors will n\deed
to be reset\b To reset,
move the adjustment\d
switch to the cent\der
position\b Press the\d
switch down to fold\d
the mirrors in, an\dd
wait for approxima\dtely
eight seconds\b You
should hear a click\d
indicating the mirr\dors
have been reset\b
If you do not hear \da
click, press the s\dwitch
to fold the mirrors\d
back out, and repea\dt
the reset procedure\d\b
usb po\bt
( if equipped)
The USB port is
located inside the
center console and
allows you to plug
in media playing
devices, memory
sticks, and also to\d
charge devices if t\dhey
support this featu\dre\b
For more informatio\dn,
please refer to th\de
®®® supplement
or the navigation
System supplement\b a
input Ja Ck
The auxiliary input jack
is located in the c\denter
console and allows \dyou
to play audio from \da
portable music play\der
through the vehicle\d
speakers with high
fidelity\b Refer to your
Owner’s Guide for
more information\b
powE\b point
Your vehicle is
equipped with
multiple 12V power
points which you c\dan
use to plug in many\d
accessories\b Your
vehicle may also be\d
equipped with a 110V
AC power point on t\dhe
back of the center
console which is u\dsed
for powering electr\dical
devices that requir\de up
to 150W\b
a utomatiC
Dimming FEatu\bE
( optiona\f on the dri\iver’s
side mirror on\fy)
With this feature y\dour
mirror will automa\dtically
adjust from the typ\dical
high reflective stat\de to
a more darkened sta\dte
which helps to min\dimi\fe
glare when a bright \dlight
is detected from beh\dind
the vehicle\b
aDDITIONal fEa TurEs

sECu\biCoDE™ kEylEss
Ent\by systEm The keyless
entry keypad allows you\d to lock
or unlock all doors\d and the
liftgate glass with\dout using a
key\b Simply enter your \dfive digit
program code and pre\dss 3•4
within five seconds \dto unlock
all doors and the l\diftgate\b Press
5•6 to open the li\dftgate glass\b
To lock all doors an\dd the
liftgate, press 7•8\d and 9•0 at
the same time\b note: You do
not have to enter \dyour five digit
code first\b
Fo\bwa\bD anD \bEvE\bsE
sEnsing systEms
( if equipped)
Your vehicle may
be equipped with fo\drward and
reverse sensing sys\dtems which
may warn you if th\dere is an
object in front of \dor behind the
vehicle\b The system\d will sound
a warning tone that\d increases
in frequency as th\de object
gets closer and wil\dl sound
continuously when \dthe object is
less than 10 inches away\b
note: Visibility aids do n\dot
replace the need to\d watch
where the vehicle \dis moving\b
Refer to your Owne\dr’s Guide for
safety information\d, more detail,
and limitations\b
\bEa\bviEw CamE\ba
( if equipped) The rearview
camera is located o\dn the liftgate
which provides a vi\dsual display
of the area behind \dthe vehicle\b
The display will au\dtomatically
appear on the navi\dgation
system screen (if \dequipped) or in the rearview mirror whenev\der
the vehicle is in \dReverse (R)
and uses colors (gr\deen, yellow
and red) to alert y\dou of your
proximity to object\ds\b

Visibility aids do n\dot
replace the need to\d watch
where the vehicle \dis moving\b
Refer to your Owne\dr’s Guide for
safety information\d, more detail
and limitations\b
® (if
SYnC® is
a hands-free commun\dications
and entertainment s\dystem
with special phone\d and media
features\b For more informatio\dn,
please refer to th\de SYnC
Supplement or to th\de SYnC®
section in the navigation
Supplement\b Please f\deel free
to visit www\bSyncMyRide\bcom
ntEg\batED kEyhEaD
t\bansmittE\b (ikt)
anD \bEmotE Ent\by
s ystEm FEatu\bEs
• Press
once to lock all
doors\b Press again t\do confirm
all doors are close\dd\b
• Press
once to unlock th\de
driver’s door\b Press again withi\dn
three seconds to unlock all doors\b
• Press
to activate the p\danic
alarm\b Press again \dor turn on
the ignition to dea\dctivate\b
• Press
twice within thre\de
seconds to open the\d power
liftgate (if equipp\ded), or to
unlatch the liftgat\de window\b
• Car finder: Press
within three secon\dds to locate
your vehicle\b The h\dorn will chirp
and the turn lamps \dwill flash
mykEy® Allows you to pro\dgram
certain driving res\dtrictions on
any standard key in\d order to
promote good driving\d habits\b
When MyKey
® is programmed:
• Belt-Minder
® ® cannot be
disabled and the audi\do system
will be muted until\d the safety
belt is buckled\b
• early low fuel w\darnings
are displayed\b
• audio volume can \dbe limited\b
• vehicle speed can\d be limited\b
• audible and visual\d speed
warnings can be con\dfigured at
preselected speeds\b
• AdvanceTrac®®
® cannot be
programmed off\b
For complete inform\dation, refer
to MyKey
® in the Locks and
Security chapter in\d your
Owner’s Guide\b
imp\bovED FuEl EC onomy
whilE C oasting o\b
DECElE\bating Your vehicle
has been designed to\d improve
fuel economy by red\ducing
fuel usage while co\dasting or
decelerating\b This m\day be
perceived as a ligh\dt to medium
braking sensation w\dhen
removing your foot \dfrom the
accelerator pedal\b
Use extreme cautio\dn when using any de\dvice or feature th\dat may take your
attention off the \droad\b Ford recommends again\dst the use of any \dhand-held
device while drivin\dg and that you comp\dly with all applic\dable laws\b Your
primary responsibility is\d the safe operatio\dn of the vehicle\b